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Planning Board Minutes 11/03/2016
                                MEETING MINUTES
                                November 3, 2016
                                Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
 Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair) Chris Condon (Chair) Janet McEwen (Member)    Michael Frosch (Member)
  Bob Holmes   (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   Lynne Rosansky (Alternate) Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   
Members Absent:   Colleen Giffin (Staff), John Robertson (Ex-Officio)
7:00 PM Regular Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Approve October 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the meeting minutes of October 20 as amended.   Mr. Holmes seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed. Chair Condon abstained.

Chair Condon told the Board about his conversation with the liaison SWRPC commissioner Mr. Ledgerwood.
He explained that Mr. Ledgerwood had spoken with Ms. Kelly about tiny houses and about the Rt. 202 commercial property mapping.
As of this time, she had not gotten back to him about the tiny houses, but they do have an expert that she will talk to about coming to

Antrim on November 17 to talk to the Board about the Highway Business lot line adjustments.

Accessory Dwellings

(Adopted March 9, 2004; Amended March 13, 2007; March ___, 2017)

[Options for regulating:  (1) as a matter of right; (2) by conditional use permit; or (3) by Special Exception.)

1.      Purpose & Intent: To provide for housing alternatives for immediate family members or family caregivers; to increase the supply
of affordable housing without building more infrastructure or developing more land; and to respond to a growing need for more diverse housing opportunities.

2.      Definition:  Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) means a residential living unit that is within or attached to a single–family dwelling
, and that provides independent living facilities for one or more persons, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking,
and sanitation on the same parcel of land as the principal dwelling unit it accompanies.

3.      Criteria:

a.      A single family home may contain not more than one (1) ADU.

The ADU shall be within or attached to the primary dwelling unit.  
A detached ADU is allowed when located on a lot that has twice the minimum required lot size.  

Discussion ensued about how much land should be needed for a detached ADU.
Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to accept 3. Criteria b. as written, Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Ms. McEwen no, Chair Condon yes, Vice Chair Cahoon yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Mr. Holmes no, Mr. Frosch Nay.

The ADU shall be occupied by no more than two (2) persons not related by blood or marriage.
Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to strike 3. Criteria c. all together. Vice-Chair Cahoon seconded.
Motion: To strike 3. Criteria c. all together
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Holmes nay, Mr. MacDonald nay, Vice-Chair Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Ms. McEwen nay, Mr. Frosch yes
This motion will have to be tabled until Mr. Robertson can cast his vote.

The ADU must not exceed (750) square feet of livable floor area. The percentage idea as we discussed (e.g. 25%)
will not work unless a house is 3,000 square feet or larger.  Any smaller house would result in an ADU being less than
750 square feet.  However, bear in mind that the homeowner can choose to have an ADU of less than
750 square feet – it is only the Town that cannot mandate a smaller unit.
Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to have 3. Criteria. d. read (800) sq. ft. and remove the percentage wording from the ordinance. Vice-Chair Cahoon seconded.
Motion: 3. Criteria. d. read The ADU must not exceed (800) square feet of livable floor area.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Holmes nay, Mr. MacDonald yes, Vice-Chair Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Ms. McEwen yes, Mr. Frosch yes
Motion is granted.

The ADU shall have a separate entrance and shall have adequate egress in the case of fire or other hazard.
The additional entrance(s) shall be located to the side or the rear of the building.

Any changes to the structure shall be in keeping with the existing architectural style of the building.

The applicant for an ADU will demonstrate that the existing or modified sewage disposal system is adequate
for the additional use, per NH DES Subsurface Systems Bureau.

For ADU’s that are within or attached to the primary dwelling unit, at least one (1) common interior access
between the principal dwelling unit and the ADU will be provided.

Separate utility service connections and/or meters for the primary dwelling unit and the ADU are not permitted.

Off-street parking for an ADU shall be provided in accordance with Article XV.  

The driveway shall be designed so as to appear as a driveway of a single-family residence and no new curb
cut from the street shall be constructed.

The house number for the ADU shall be determined at the time of the building permit application.

Either the primary or the accessory dwelling unit must be occupied by the owner of the property.
 There shall be no occupancy of an ADU until the Building Inspector has issued a certificate of occupancy to the owner of the property, who must demonstrate that he or she will occupy one of the units.

The Board discussed if it should only be occupied by the owner of the property, immediate family of the property
family or should it be written that anyone can be the occupant of the main dwelling or the ADU.

Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to have 3. Criteria. m. read, either the primary or the accessory dwelling unit must be
occupied by the owner of the property or an immediate family member. Ms. McEwen seconded.
Motion: To have 3. Criteria. m. read, either the primary or the accessory dwelling unit must be occupied by the owner of the property or an immediate family member.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Holmes yes, Mr. MacDonald no, Vice-Chair Cahoon no, Chair Condon no, Ms. McEwen no, Mr. Frosch no
Motion is denied.
Motion: Mr. MacDonald moved to table making a decision about 3. Criteria. m.
until the Board has time to think about it. Ms. McEwen seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Holmes no, Mr. MacDonald yes, Vice-Chair Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Ms. McEwen yes, Mr. Frosch no.
Motion is granted, discussion will be tabled until next meeting.

If a property containing an ADU is conveyed and the new owner wishes to maintain the unit,
the new owner shall apply for a certificate of occupancy for the ADU to ensure that one of the two dwellings is owner-occupied.

Supplemental Regulations


X.      Alternative Energy Systems:  Alternative Energy Systems are defined as solar, geothermal or
other renewable energy systems and are permitted in all zoning districts subject to specific criteria.  This definition does not include commercial wind farms.
  • Residential Renewable Energy Systems are intended to provide power for the principal residential use of the property on which the energy system is located.  
  • These Systems shall not be used for the generation of power for the sale of energy to other users;
  • however, this is not intended to prohibit the sale of excess power generated from time to time to the local utility company.
  • Applications must demonstrate compliance with all applicable setbacks.
  • A building permit and electrical inspection are required to ensure compliance with electrical and building code requirements.
d)      Systems designed to produce hot water or heat do not require an electrical inspection if no additional wiring was needed.
  • Non-Residential Renewable Energy Systems are intended to provide power to a business or other non-residential use.
  • These Systems are allowed
  • either:
by Conditional Use Permit, which requires an application form to be created;
or by Minor Site Plan Review, which would require an amendment to those regulations and checklist.
  • The following would then come out of the zoning ordinance and go into either the CUP application or the Site Plan Review Regulations & Checklist
  • A site plan showing:
  • Property lines and setbacks
  • Physical features including roads
  • Proposed changes to the landscape including clearing and grading
  • All proposed structures and equipment.
  • Current and proposed access to the site.
  • Name, address, and contact information for the applicant/property owner, abutters, and proposed system installer.
  • Interconnection agreement with the applicable utility.
  • Operation, maintenance and decommissioning plan.
  • Plan for safety of the system.
  • Blueprints or drawings of the installation signed by a licensed professional.
  • Electric diagram detailing the installation, associated components and disconnects.
  • Documentation of major system components,  mounting system and inverter.
This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Explanation of the Planning Budget/ October Budget
The Board looked over the explanations.

Antrim 2020 Update

Ms. McEwen gave an overview of the Antrim 2020 weekend, explaining that the attending community broke their concerns down into six groups.

§~~Creation of an Economic Development board
§~~Expanding town library programs and use
§~~Assessment of business and community gathering spaces
§~~Developing a business incubator and co-working space
§~~Nature trail upkeep and signage
§~~A central town events sign
  • The library was one of the top concerns. The residents that attended the Antrim 2020 felt that the
  • Tuttle Library was not meeting the needs of the community and the library did not really accept hearing any public input on how to improve.
  • There was discussion about the up keep of the surrounding trail systems.
  • The biggest issue was about town communication perhaps some sort of town signage.
  • There was discussion on how to attract small businesses and how to keep those small businesses running.
Discussion ensued.

Future Antrim 2020
The Antrim 2020 group will be meeting at the Presbyterian Church from now on.

Antrim 2020 Accounts/ Rondeau’s bill and website request
The Board discussed the bills they had so far and some discussion about the Antrim 2020 future website.
Contracted Services $1000.00
                Sam’s    164.97       
        Great Brook     195.00
Rick & Diane’s          100.00
Website                665.22

Capital Improvement Committee Update
  • Water & Sewer
  • New well,  at Balch Farm Road in Bennington, need a gravel pack well and a new transmission main connective from the well to the distribution center
  •   Water Treatment plant , Balch Farm Road in Bennington, needed for the improvement of the water quality.
  •   To remove iron and manganese that ruins clothes and fixtures in homes. The buildup will lead to water main failure due to excessive deposits of minerals.
  •    Sewage Treatment needs a plant upgrade for nutrient removal from the lagoons.
  • Estimated Cost – 4-5 Million by 2021/2022
  • Conservation  Commission
  • Asking for $25,000.00 over the next six years for open space. CIP would like some sort of description of what this money would be used for.
  • Police
  • Cruiser replacement.
  • The library has no projects in 2017. Asking for $25,000 to be put into Capitol Reserves for future projects.
  • Fire
  • The Fire Department has money in Capital Reserve for their request of replacing outdated doors, windows, and repairing floors and ceilings. Install a shower and other upgrades.  
  •     These renovations would be done over the next several years.
  •    Continue to put money in the capital reserve.
  • Parks & Rec
  • There is money in the capital reserve fund for the upkeep of Shea field and the gym floor.
  •    Gym floor and Shea field cost will be shared by Conval School District.
  •    Asking for money for the Memorial park improvement
  • Highway
  • Asking for Capital Reserve Fund for Chipping & Sealing and vehicles, equipment, and projects.
The Board discussed why departments asked for routine maintenance costs. Ms. McEwen pointed out that the
problem would be solved if the town had a town building maintenance budget of its own, then each department
(minus the Parks & Rec dept.) would not be asking for funding for such projects. Mr. MacDonald explained that
it would have to be a decision for the Selectmen to have a separate budget for town building maintenance.
The Board could make a proposal to the Selectman to make a budget for the maintenance and care of all the town buildings and grounds.
Ms. Giffin spoke for the library explaining that the town covered the maintenance costs and the library used their trust fund for books, programs and other library related materials.
Ms. McEwen questioned why the library didn’t hold fund raisers like every single library in the area. Ms. Giffin explained that the library doesn’t charge for the events because

Motion: Ms. McEwen made a motion that the Board acknowledge to the Selectmen that they have some
very specific concerns about the Library and the board would like a better explanation from the Library about the funds wanted for Capitol Reserves. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Motion: The CIP budget will be accepted with the acceptation of the library budget, until more information can be obtained.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Frosch no, Ms. McEwen yes, Chair Condon no, Vice Chair Cahoon no, Mr. MacDonald no, Mr. Holmes yes. The motion is denied.
Motion:   Vice Chair Cahoon made a motion to accept the Capitol Improvement budget the way it was Mr. Frosch seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Frosch yes, Ms. McEwen no, Chair Condon yes, Vice Chair Cahoon yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Mr. Holmes no. The motion is granted.

Planning Board Survey
Ms. McEwen wrote up a survey that the Board discussed passing out on Tuesday November 8, Election Day. It has to be approved by the Moderator before it can be passed out at the election.
Motion: Mr. Frosch made a motion to accept the survey the way it was. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Frosch yes, Chair Condon yes, Vice Chair Cahoon yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Mr. Holmes no, Ms. McEwen abstained.
It was decided that the survey would be put into the next addition of the Limrik with a write up from Chair Condon.

  • Keith Fleming Letter FYI
  • NHDES Newsletter FYI
Motion:  Ms. Cahoon made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Frosch seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned 8:50 PM

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board